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18 February 2010

Hadis Keenambelas

Dari Abu Hurairah R.A.:
Bahawasanya ada seorang telah berkata kepada Nabi SAW: "Nasihatilah kepadaku!"
Dijawab oleh Nabi SAW : "Jangan marah!"
Orang itu berulangkali meminta supaya dirinya dinasihati, maka tetap Rasulullah SAW mengatakan: "Jangan marah!"

17 February 2010

Hadis Kelimabelas

Dari Abu Hurairah R.A. bahawasanya Rasulullah SAW bersabda:
"Barangsiapa beriman kepada Allah dan Hari Akhirat, hendaklah berkata yang baik atau berdiam diri.
Dan barangsiapa yang beriman kepada Allah dan Hari Akhirat, hendaklah berbuat baik kepada jiran tetangganya.
Dan barangsiapa yang beriman kepada Allah dan Hari Akhirat, hendaklah menghormati tetamunya."

Hadis Keempatbelas

Dari Ibnu Mas'ud R.A. katanya, telah bersabda Rasulullah SAW:
"Tiada dihalalkan darah seorang Muslim kecuali atas satu dari tiga sebab: janda yang berzina, jiwa dengan jiwa (membunuh tanpa hak) dan orang yang meninggalkan agamanya, yang memisahkan diri dari jemaah."

15 February 2010

The Personality Traits of the Tiger (Chinese Zodiac)


The Chinese use the lunar calendar for celebratory events which includes the New Year. This falls somewhere between late January and early February. The cycle of twelve animal signs originates from Chinese tradition as a way of naming the years. The animals follow one another in an established order and are replicated every twelve years. The rat, ox, tiger, rabbit, dragon, snake, horse, sheep, monkey, rooster, dog and pig are the twelve animal signs. Every animal has particular characteristics and people born in a specific year are believed to take on these characteristics.

According to the Chinese Zodiac, the Year of 2010 is the Year of the Tiger, which commences on February 14, 2010 and ends on February 2, 2011. The Tiger is the third sign in the Chinese Zodiac cycle, and it is a sign of bravery. This courageous and fiery fighter is admired by the ancient Chinese as the sign that keeps away the three main tragedies of a household. These are fire, thieves and ghosts.

Tigers are physically powerful, gracious, independent and brave, they are extremely bold animals. They are friendly and loving but can also selfish and short tempered. Tigers seek attention and power; frequently they are envious in a relation. Tigers live dangerously which often leads to trouble. They are intolerant, take risks and are always searching for excitement. Tigers are also instilled with a good dose of courage.

The Tiger has an overpowering attraction and is very kind and always takes on the character as protector. The Tiger flourishes by power and attention and takes advantage of all circumstances it gets itself into. The Tiger is a natural leader and loves to be the centre of attention. As a rebel it goes up against authority and speaks out about wrongs in society, and willingly puts up objections. Even if you don’t agree with the beliefs of the tiger you admire his way to protest.

Just as how their counterparts in the jungle are impulsive, so too are individuals born in the Chinese Year of the Tiger. When people think of tigers, it is their vigor and power that comes to mind first. But it has also been noted that tigers are known to share and are unselfish animals. The reason people admire the tiger is due to the fact that they are ferocious and domineering on the outside, but they are just as noble and distinguished on the inside. These are the same personality attributes that persons will have who are born in the Year of the Tiger.

People that are born in the Year of the Tiger are generally well liked because of their charismatic personalities. Often, failing at a given duty or being unproductive in his personal or professional life can cause a Tiger to experience a deep sense of depression.A Tiger is always at their happiest when they endeavor to climb the ladder of success. Attaining the top spot is his foremost purpose; being in a position of power is her ultimate goal. They are quick learners, need to be challenged and often prefer to work alone. Some Tigers tend to change careers more frequently because they get bored quite easily. They are natural born leaders and perform at their best if working towards positions of power and influence. So once there is no further room for progression, they will often move on to something else.

Anyone that is born in the Year of the Tiger is usually straightforward and outgoing by nature. They will never give up no matter how aggravated they may become. But, they are also full of suspicion and at times will take hasty action. Never lose sight of the fact that Tigers are smart and instinctive.

People born in the Year of the Tiger always take pride in being different from others, and normally demonstrate their originality best in their homes. Their homes are typically filled with exotic possessions. It is no surprise that one of the Tiger’s favorite gemstones is the cat’s eye, but tigers also love the sparkle of rubies and diamonds. They like to spend money, and also to share it. They can be very impulsive spenders because they know they can at all times make more.

The Year of the Tiger is the third year in the cycle of “Heavenly Branches”. Customarily, it is called “Yin”. Those born in the Year of the Tiger are compatible with the horse, dog, and dragons. The year 2010 is another Year of the Tiger. It is the ji-chou year. Jji is the sixth of the Ten Celestial Stems and yin is the third of the Twelve Terrestrial Branches and marks the Year of the Tiger.

Were you born during a Year of the Tiger?
You were if you were born in one of these years:
1902, 1914, 1926, 1938, 1950, 1962, 1974, 1986, and 1998.

Source :

Chinese Zodiac - Tiger

Occupying the 3rd position on the Chinese Zodiac, the Tiger symbolizes such character traits as bravery, competitiveness and unpredictability. Tigers love to be challenged and will accept any challenge if it means protecting a loved one or protecting their honor. They don’t worry about the outcome because they know they’ll always land on their feet. Don’t let their calm appearance fool you though; Tigers will pounce when they feel it’s necessary.

Born to lead, Tigers can be stubborn if they realize they’re not in charge. They have a slight tendency to be selfish but overall, Tigers are extremely generous. They’re very intelligent and they’re always on alert. Tigers are very charming and are well-liked by others. They are not motivated by money or power.

As they do their enemies, Tigers have a tendency to pounce on their work. Afterwards, they’re left feeling exhausted. Although they’ll soon bounce right back, over time this approach can cause problems with their health. Tigers need to develop a more balanced approach to life so they can utilize their energy more efficiently.

Tigers have a continual need to be challenged which may explain why they jump from job to job. This isn’t necessarily a problem because they’re smart and able to quickly master new subjects. The best jobs for Tigers are those that will lead them towards positions of leadership. Some suitable careers for Tigers include: advertising agent, office manager, travel agent, actor, writer, artist, pilot, flight attendant, musician, comedian and chauffeur.

Creative in their passion, Tigers will never bore their partners. They’re expressive, polite and trustworthy, but watch out. Tigers tend to dominate their relationships. This tendency is instinctive and when monitored closely, such behavior can be kept under control. Partners need to be equally active to keep up with the Tiger’s sense of adventure.

Tigers and the 5 elements

Metal Tiger – Years 1950 and 2010
Assertive, competitive and sharp, once Metal Tigers set their sights on their goals there’s no stopping them. They’ll always do what’s necessary to remain at the center of attention. Metal Tigers tend to jump to conclusions; a behavior they need to work at improving.

Water Tiger – Years 1902 and 1962
Water Tigers are sensitive and tranquil. They realize that other people have worthy opinions too. They’re very intuitive which makes them good at accurately judging different situations.

Wood Tiger – Years 1914 and 1974
Not feeling the need to be in charge, Wood Tigers work well with others. Others enjoying being around Wood Tigers because they’re very giving individuals. They’re compassionate and willing to do whatever is necessary to help others.

Fire Tiger – Years 1926 and 1986
Expressive, vibrant and a bit eccentric, Fire Tigers are always looking at the positive side of every situation. Because they’re able to generate excitement in others, they’re considered excellent leaders. When Fire Tigers speak, others listen – and do what they’re told!

Earth Tiger – Years 1938 and 1998
More grounded in reality, Earth Tigers don’t get carried away by the circumstances of their situations. Instead, they sit back and evaluate all angles before jumping in. They’re able to stay focused on their tasks; a trait that helps ensure success.


Tigers are compatible with a Dog and a Horse and are incompatible with a Goat and an Ox.

Source :

Hadis Ketigabelas

Dari Abu Hamzah, Anas bin Malik r.a, khadam kepada Rasulullah SAW, bersabda Nabi SAW:
"Tiada beriman seseorang kamu, sehinggalah ia mencintai saudaranya sama seperti ia menyintai dirinya sendiri."

Hadis Keduabelas

Dari Abu Hurairah r.a katanya: Telah bersabda Rasulullah SAW:
"Sebaik-baik Islam seseorang itu adalah peninggalannya tentang apa yang tiada kena mengena dengannya."

The Triplets 14 Februari 2010

The three Aunis,
Auni Naqibah (the third), Auni Haziqah (the second) and Auni Faqihah (the first).
Triplet ni adalah anak-anak adik saya, Hany,
yang telah dilahirkan pertengahan November tahun lepas.

The first of the triplet, Auni Faqihah.
Sekarang beratnya hampir 3.5 kg.
Masa mula-mula keluar dulu, beratnya hanya 1.3 kg.

The second of the triplet, Auni Haziqah.
Tangan yang berjaya dikeluarkan dari bedungnya.....;)

The third of the triplets, Auni Naqibah.
Yang mempunyai suara paling kuat di antara ketiga-tiganya.

Me (or rather ... my left hand ... :D) and Haziqah.

Comparing the size of my hand and the little one.
Bandingkan tangan saya dan tangan si kecil.....

Lihatlah betapa berbezanya saiz tangan saya dan Auni Haziqah.
Terasanya diri sudah semakin tua ..... ;p

12 February 2010


By Jim Rohn

Let others lead small lives,
But not you.
Let others argue over small things,
But not you.
Let others cry over small hurts,
But not you.
Let others leave their future
In someone else's hands,
But not you.

Hadis Kesebelas

Dari Abu Muhammad, Al-Hasan bin Ali bin Abu Talib, cucu Rasulullah SAW dan kesayangannya R.A. yang berkata:
'Aku menghafal dari Rasulullah SAW: "Tinggalkanlah apa yang meragukanmu kepada yang tiada meragukanmu."

Hadis Kesepuluh

Dari Abu Hurairah r.a, telah bersabda Rasulullah SAW:
"Sesungguhnya Allah Ta'ala itu baik, dia tidak akan menerima melainkan yang baik sahaja. Dan sesungguhnya Allah telah memerintahkan kaum Mukminin sama sebagaimana Dia memerintahkan para Mursalin (para Rasul).
Allah berfirman : 'Wahai para Rasul, makanlah dari yang baik-baik dan kerjakanlah amalan yang saleh. Dan Allah berfirman lagi : 'Wahai orang-orang yang beriman, makanlah dari makanan yang baik yang Kami berikan kepada kamu.'
Kemudian Rasulullah SAW mengisahkan tentang seorang lelaki yang telah belayar jauh. Rambutnya kusut, berdebu, mengangkat kedua belah tapak tangannya ke langit serta memohon: Ya Tuhanku! Ya Tuhanku! Sedangkan makanannya dari yang haram, minumannya dari yang haram dan pakaiannya dari yang haram dan dia telah dikenyangkan dari sumber yang haram. Alangkah jauhnya dia (doanya) untuk dikabulkan."

05 February 2010

Hadis Kesembilan

Dari Abu Hurairah Abdul Rahman bin Sakhar r.a:
Bahawa saya mendengar Rasulullah SAW bersabda: "Apa yang aku larang kamu lakukan maka hendaklah kamu tinggalkannya dan apa yang aku perintahkan kamu lakukan hendaklah kamu lakukan sekadar kemampuan kamu. Sesungguhnya telah binasa umat-umat yang sebelum kamu disebabkan terlalu banyak bertanya serta pertelingkahan mereka terhadap Nabi-Nabi mereka."

04 February 2010

Hadis 40

Dah lama tak menulis kat blog ni. Cuma sempat masukkan hadis-hadis Nabi dan 'motivational poems'. Sebenarnya, idea memasukkan hadis-hadis ni bukan saje-saje untuk mengisi 'posting rate' tapi lebih kepada peringatan kepada diri sendiri. Kadang-kadang tu tak sempat nak membuka kitab-kitab agama, jadi dengan cara membaca sekurang-kurangnya satu hadis sehari, dapatlah saya mengingatkan diri sendiri berkenaan dengan tanggungjawab seorang Muslim. Memang semasa belajar di sekolah menengah dan universiti dulu, dah baca hadis-hadis tersebut sebagai sebahagian dari sukatan pelajaran. Tapi, bila dah lama ditinggalkan, memoripun semakin kurang dan lama-kelamaan ingatan tentang hadis-hadis tersebut kian pudar. Dengan lain kata, ini sebagai satu bentuk ulangkaji semula. Harapannya, saya akan kembali menghayati dan mengamalkannya dalam kehidupan sehari-hari. Insya Allah.

Sebagai makluman, Hadis 40 ini merupakan satu koleksi hadis-hadis yang telah disusun oleh Imam Nawawi di dalam kitab yang dikarangnya. Kitab tersebut dinamakan "Matan Arba'in". Ia mengandungi empat puluh dua buah hadis sabda junjungan Nabi Muhammad SAW. Mauduk (tajuk) yang ditekankan adalah mengenai akidah dan tauhid di dalam Islam.

Hadis Kelapan

Dari Ibn Umar r.a, bahawasanya Rasulullah SAW pernah bersabda:
"Aku diperintahkan untuk memerangi manusia sehinggalah mereka mengaku tiada tuhan selain Allah dan bahawa Muhammad itu Rasulullah, dan mendirikan sembahyang, memberi zakat, maka jika mereka melakukan semua itu akan terselamatlah darah dan harta benda mereka dariku, kecuali yang mana ada hak Islam padanya dan perkiraan mereka terserahlah kepada Allah Ta'ala."

03 February 2010

Hadis Ketujuh

Dari Abu Ruqayah Tamim bin Aus Ad-Dhari r.a, bahawasanya Nabi SAW bersabda:
"Agama itu adalah nasihat."
Kami sekalian bertanya : "Untuk siapa?"
Maka jawab Rasulullah SAW : "Bagi Allah, kitabNya, RasulNya dan bagi penganjur-penganjur kaum Muslimin dan orang awamnya."

Hadis Keenam

"Dari Abu Abdullah An-Nu'man bin Basyir r.a. katanya: Saya telah mendengar Rasulullah SAW bersabda:
"Sesungguhnya yang halal itu terang (jelas) dan yang haram itu terang dan di antara keduanya pula terdapat perkara-perkara yang syubahat (tidak terang halal atau haramnya) yang tiada diketahui oleh orang ramai. Orang yang memelihara dirinya dari perkara-perkara yang syubahat itu adalah seperti orang yang melindungi agama dan kehormatan dirinya. Orang yang tergelincir ke dalam perkara syubahat itu akan tergelincir masuk ke dalam perkara haram.
Laksana seorang pengembala di pinggir sebuah tempat larangan, yang akhirnya lalai dan masuk ia ke dalam tempat larangan itu. Adapun bagi setiap raja sebuah tempat larangan, dan tempat larangan Allah itu adalah pekara-pekara yang diharamkanNya.
Dan ketahuilah pada setiap jasad itu seketul daging. Andainya ia baik, baiklah seluruh jasad itu dan sekiranya ia rosak maka rosaklah seluruh jasad itu. Itulah hati."

01 February 2010

Hadis Kelima

"Daripada Ummul Mukminin, Ummi Abdullah Aisyah r.a. katanya:
Telah bersabda Rasulullah SAW : "Barangsiapa yang mengada-adakan sesuatu dalam agama yang bukan darinya adalah tertolak". - diriwayatkan dari Al-Bukhari dan Muslim.
Dan pada riwayat yang lain oleh Imam Muslim : "Barangsiapa yang melakukan sesuatu amalan yang tidak dari perintah kami, maka ia adalah tertolak."